Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Unit 4: Blogologues - Task 2 - Review a Sketch

The video that i watched was "Queens of New York" by the blogalogues, and basically this short scene is where the bloagalogues have news paper in their hands that they list a bunch of things related to "the times." The way the blogalgues staged the production was that they basically came in one by one where each of the members said something related to the times and at the end of the production all the members did a small funny dance to end it off. The production elements that they added onto their performance is that each of the members played a character. For example, two of the girl's played a guy's role and i can tell that because they had hats on their heads and they also spoke like guys while performing. Another production element that i noticed that the group had in their performance was the way they projected their voices. It was very loud and clear. They also did a little dance at the end to end of the performance which is also a production element that i noticed in the video. The elements that i enjoyed the most from the performance was when each of the members of the group came in and said their lines about the times and they way they said it by projecting their voice's very loud and clear. They also had an accent on which made the performance more fun and interesting. Another element that i enjoyed from the performance was the little dance at the end, i personally think that it was a good way to end of the performance because their was a bit of music and it was also funny which gave the audience a good laugh. After watching the sample that i have watched "Queens of new york" i personally do think that the review's of the performance were valid because it was funny and also because the group did a good job performing, so i think that the review;s and the comments were valid for the performance.

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU0OsaXutbw

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