Monday, May 5, 2014

Unit 4: Blogologues - Task 1 - Research

"Blogologues" was first invented in the spring of April 2011. Two girls from New York city named Alll and Jen were the first performers of Blogologues who performed their first show in May, after that they were invited to a 6-month development residency at USM, so that they could present their own versions of Blogologues every month. And ever since then they have been coming up with new blogologues that they would perform every month.

The 5W's:
Who are they: Two girls from New York City.
What: They perform new blogologues every month
When: blogologues was first invented in April 2011, till they were told to join the development residency at USM to perform their own blogologues every month.
Where: They perform live in New York
Why: They are doing this because they want to encourage more theatre people to start thinking about taking action and putting their theatre skills into use and for business.

The group's performance concept/philosophy is comedic theatre.

After doing my research i personally think that blogologues is a theatrical group who likes to incorporate comedic information from the internet in their own theatrical areas.

The positives of the Blogologues performances are that, they're very funny whenever they perform. Whether it's a video they put up on youtube, or whether they perform live, it's always very funny which gives the audience a good laugh and let's them enjoy the performance which is one positive element about the Blogologues. Another positive element about the blogologues is that they use the internet and they do research, which they later on turn into their own piece of work and they manage to make into a great show and a performance.


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