Saturday, January 25, 2014

Design Emphasis--"A Memory of Lizzie" Set/Costume Research Task

                          Design Emphasis- "A memory of Lizzie" Set/Costume Research Task

COSTUME Reference from Script
Page #
Research Task
“small American schoolyard – Massachusetts in about 1871/2.”
Find pictures and descriptions of what kids would wear to school in this period.
"The day they were killed i had on a blue dress" (Lizzie Borden)
Find pictures of a blue dress from the 1870's. 
"C'mon let's play ball."
Find pictures of outfits back from the 1870's that are easy to move in 
"Lizzie borden took an axe and gave her mother forty whacks. Then she stood behind the door and gave her father forty more"
Find a picture of a white dress as you want there to be a shocking reaction for the audience. (White dress will be covered in blood)
"Cos we don't have boys playing sipping games"
Find outfits of what boys would wear during the 1880's, that would go well with this particular scene. 
'Y'have flowers at 'em both, i reckon. i seen 'em at weddings"
Find wedding attire pictures from back in the 1880's.
"Dearly beloved, we are here today to bid farewell to the remains of our friend."
Find a picture of a black dress that lizzie borden would wear from back in the 1880's 

Costume Reference from Script:

1.Kids school attire:

Design One:


I personally think that this costume is appropriate for what kids would wear to school during the 1880's period, which is why after doing some research i thought that this costume would be the right costume for the girls to wear to school.

Character: Alice

2. Lizzie Borden "blue dress"-

Design Two:            
Author: Melanie Harris


On page 10 it said "The day they were killed i had on a blue dress", which is why i researched on blue 1880's dress that would be appropriate for Lizzie Borden to wear since the quote is based on the action that she had made that day.

Character: Barbara

3. Easy to move in outfits

Design Three:
Author: Peabody Essex Museum


The fashion during the 1880's mainly consisted of big corset dresses which is what most women wore at all times. After doing a lot of research i have not found any outfit that would be easy to move in while playing, so i figured that even back in the days, children would move around in the attire that they are already in, which is why i chose this design.

Character: Dorothy

4. White dress

Design Four:

Author: Katerina Miller


After doing some research, I came across this dress. As i mentioned above, during the 1880's the attire and fashion for the girls/women would be big skirts with folds, drapes, and pleats which would give the outfit a unique look. So after doing research i came across this white dress which i think would go perfectly with this particular scene as i had the thought of giving it a dramatic effect so that after Lizzie Borden kills her parents, there would be blood all over her outfit to give the audience a terrifying and shocking feeling.

                                          Character: Ann

5. Boys outfit "playing skipping games":

Design five:

Author: The briggs brothers


During the 1880's boys would wear dress pants, a shirt with a tie, and a blazer/suit over it. Compared to the types of suits that men tend to wear these days, the attire for the men back in the 1880's was different as it consisted of different designs/patterns/ and texture as well.

6. 1880 Wedding attire with flowers:

Design Six:

Author: Karen Ben-Horin


During the 1880's the wedding attire is a bit similar to the wedding attire we have today, except back then the dresses would have more frills and on them to make them look a bit more victorian.

7. 1880 black funeral dress for Lizzie Borden:

Design seven: 
Author: The metropolitan Museum of Art 


Since this particular scene has a funeral in it, i thought that, since Lizzie Borden is the main character, she should be the one wearing a black dress. Also as she is the one who is putting her friend in the coffin it would give the audience a scary feeling as well. 

Character: Lizzie Borden 

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