Friday, January 17, 2014

"A Memory of Lizzie" Evaluation of Design Work

Self Evaluation

After completing all my work on the play of “A memory of Lizzie”, I personally think that my overall work was good. Although my set design and costume design could be better, I still think that the annotated work was still good and descriptive. My strengths for this particular work and unit was that I was able to come up with many annotative ideas and I think I went into descriptive details when it came to annotating the two page part of the script. My main weakness for this unit and work was not being able to draw the set design and costume design properly, as I am not an art student and because I am not really good with drawing. To stop this from happening next time, and to improve my design stage, I think that before doing the design work I though research a bit more about set design and costume design to draw the set and costume designs properly. Other than that I think that my overall work was done and completed properly.

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