Friday, January 17, 2014

"A Memory of Lizzie" Design Unit Peer Evaluation

Peer Evaluation for “A memory of Lizzie”

For this task, I evaluated Noshin’s work based on “A memory of Lizzie” that she had posted on her blog.  I think she did a good job with the costume design because she took close up pictures of the detailing on the costume and she also coloured in her drawings which makes it a bit more clear about what the costume will look like and is a bit more descriptive.  For Noshin’s stage design task, I think that she could have done a better job, because it is not very clear in the camera about what her set design actually looks like. One feedback that I can give her to make her stop this from happening is the same feedback that I gave myself,  “ do some research based on set design and then draw the design out to make it more clear and understandable for the person who is seeing it.” I think that Noshin did a good job on her annotate script because she gave clear and descriptive ideas about stage direction and what each character should be doing. Overall I personally think that Noshin did a good job, although her set design could be a bit better.

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